watch your favorites – with IPTV!
Besides the remarkable and luxurious design of all ad notam products, they additionally give you the fantastic
opportunity to integrate your preferred multimedia system. ad notam Mirror and Glass TVs can be easily connected to any digital media player like Apple TV, Google Chromecast or Amazon Fire TV. Integrate your unique ad notam product together with your media player into your WLAN system and start enjoying it by watching your favorite series or stream your favorite music directly from your tablet or smartphone.
In a few simple steps, you can stream digital content to your personal ad notam TV thanks to MIRROR IMAGE –
the only thing you need is an internet connection. Watch your favorite series on platforms like Netflix or Amazon
Prime in your Bathroom TV while getting dressed for the evening thanks to your innovative ad notam Mirror TV!
This combination of comfortableness and usefulness reveals the outstanding value of ad notam products.
You might also use ad notam's IPTV solution. Please check our solution here.